
Amplifying voter turnout through the power of music.

Get On the List

Add your name to the growing list of musicians committed to amplifying voter turnout this election.

Plan to Play

Our team will help you select your ideal time slot to perform at the polling location of your choice. We will also ensure that you have everything you need to make your performance a succes!

Spread the Word

Your Election Day performance needs an audience. Let your fans know, and make it a day to celebrate democracy.

Calling All Musicians

Join us in making a difference this Election Day by bringing the power of live music to the polls. We’re looking for passionate musicians like you to inspire and uplift voters as they exercise their civic duty.

Why Participate?

  • Amplify Voter Turnout: Your music can create a welcoming and energizing atmosphere that encourages more people to vote.

  • Connect with Your Community: Perform at a local polling place and be part of an unforgettable Election Day experience.

  • Be a Part of Change: Use your talent to support democracy and remind everyone that their voice matters.

Together, let’s turn Election Day into a celebration of democracy!

We are a non-partisan organization that mobilizes musical performances at polling locations in order to provide a more positive voting experience and foster a sense of community.

In the 2020 General Election, we rallied 1,500 musicians across 48 states. This year, we are aiming to play for the vote at 5,000 polling locations, reaching every state, with an emphasis on swing states.

About Play For The Vote

Check out our 2020 Election performances:

Play for the Vote is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit amplifying voter turnout through the power of music.

Your support helps us connect musicians with civic engagement, using live music to inspire voter turnout and make Election Day a celebration of democracy.

All contributions are tax-deductible and directly fund our mission to bring music to the polls.