Want to get more involved? Looking to spread the word? Become a Play for the Vote Producer!

Play for the Vote Producers mobilize musicians in their community to perform on Election Day. As producers, they playing a vital role in amplifying voter turnout through the power of music.

Together, we’re not just playing music; we’re making history.

Become a producer!

Sign Up Here to Become a Producer!

How it Works

1 // Sign Up to Produce
Register as a producer with Play for the Vote and receive all the tools, graphic materials, and resources you need to engage and inspire musicians in your community to participate in this powerful movement.

2 // Receive Your Assets
Once registered, you will begin to receive all of the essential information needed to start mobilizing your community, including graphic materials, email templates, and more!

Our goal is to make it as simple and seamless as possible for you to spread the word and get others involved!

3 // Engage Your Community
Start spreading the word by sending emails and newsletters, posting on social media, and putting up flyers,

We’ll make sure you have all the relevant information you need to keep your community updated!

4 // Tag Us!
Don’t forget to tag us on social media—we’d love to see your efforts and share your impact with our community!

Use #PlayForTheVote and tag us at @PlayForTheVote on Facebook and Instagram, and @play_vote on X to amplify the message.

5 // Celebrate Your Impact
As a producer, you have the opportunity to be featured on our website! We’d love to acknowledge your valuable contributions and ensure you receive the recognition you deserve for helping us amplify our mission.

We’re here for you every step of the way!

We’re dedicated to making your Election Day performance a success. We provide everything you need, from a comprehensive performance guide so you know exactly what to expect to branded signage and materials that enhance your presence. We handle logistics like helping you find a polling location and avoiding double bookings, allowing you to focus on creating a memorable experience. To help spread the word, we offer social media templates and promotional tools. From preparation to the day of your performance, our team is here to support you every step of the way, ensuring you can inspire and unite your community through music.

“It was a great way to connect with my community and be a part of something bigger than myself.”

— 2020 Performer

Check out our 2020 Election performances: